IIT Publications Search

Temperini M.E., Polito R., Venanzi T., Baldassarre L., Hu H., Ciraci C., Pea M., Notargiacomo A., Mattioli F., Ortolani M., Giliberti V.
An Infrared Nanospectroscopy Technique for the Study of Electric-Field-Induced Molecular Dynamics
Nano Letters, vol. 24, (no. 32), pp. 9808-9815
Zheng D., Kashif M.F., Piscopo L., Collard L., Ciraci C., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Tunable-Nanoisland-Decorated Tapered Optical Fibers Reveal Concurrent Contributions in Through-Fiber SERS Detection
ACS Photonics
Kazemzadeh M., Collard L., Pisano F., Piscopo L., Ciraci C., Vittorio M.D.E., Pisanello F.
Unwrapping non-locality in the image transmission through turbid media
Optics Express, vol. 32, (no. 15), pp. 26414-26433
DOI 10.1364/OE.521581 Article Journal
Ortolani M., Ciraci' C., Giordano M.C., D'Agostino S.
Advances in plasmonics: a European collection
Frontiers in Photonics, vol. 4
Pisano F., Collard L., Kashif M.F., Balena A., Pisanello M., Zheng D., De Angelis F., Grande M., Ciraci C., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Augmented optical neural implants using plasmonic nanomodulators integrated on multimode fibers
Bio-Optics: Design and Application in Proceedings Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences 2023, OMA, NTM, BODA, OMP, BRAIN 2023
DOI 10.1364/BODA.2023.JTu4A.2 Conference Paper Conference
Ortolani M., Venanzi T., Rossetti A., Deckert T., Brida D., Pea M., Bousseksou A., Lucia L., Colombelli R., Hu H., De Luca F., Ciraci C.
Free-Electron Infrared Nonlinearities in Heavily Doped InGaAs Nanoantennas
48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves
Ciraci' C., De Luca F., Ortolani M.
Heavily doped semiconductors: a platform for integrated nonlinear plasmonics
International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics
Abstract Report Conference
Ciraci' C., De Luca F., Ortolani M.
Heavily doped semiconductors for integrated nonlinear plasmonics
Abstract Report Conference
Collard L., Pisano F., Zheng D., Balena A., Piscopo L., Kashif M. K., Pisanello M., de la Prida L. M., Ciracì C., Grande M., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Holographic control of plasmonic fiber optics
Optogen 2023
Poster Conference
Collard L., Pisano F., Zheng D., Balena A., Piscopo L., Kashif M. K., Pisanello M., de la Prida L. M., Ciracì C., Grande M., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Holographic control of plasmonic structures on the distal facet of multimode optical fibers
META 2023, the 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
Report Conference
Zheng D., Pisano F., Collard L., Balena A., Pisanello M., Spagnolo B., Muhammad F.K., Piscopo L., Ciracì C., Valiente M., de La Prida L., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Metallic nanoislands-decorated tapered optical fibers for SERS sensing and heat generation
Optogen 2023
Poster Conference
Collard L., Pisano F., Zheng D., Balena A., Kashif M. K., Pisanello M., Spagnolo B., Mach-Batlle R., D'Orazio A., De Angelis F., Valiente M., de la Prida L. M., Ciracì C., Grande M., Pisanello F., De Vittorio M.
Nanostructured fiber optics for high sensitivity, minimally invasive, spatially-resolved, plasmonic diagnosis and therapeutics
ICTON 2023
Report Conference
Vidal-Codina F., Ciraci C., Nguyen N.-C., Oh S.-H., Peraire J.
Optical response of metallic nanostructures using quantum hydrodynamic theory and a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 489
Ciraci' C., Castriotta M., Baghramyan H., Khalid M., Della Sala F.
Quantum Hydrodynamic Theory for Plasmonics: a Computational Perspective
META 2023, the 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
Abstract Report Conference
Zheng D., Pisano F., Collard L., Balena A., Pisanello M., Spagnolo B., Mach-Batlle R., Tantussi F., Carbone L., De Angelis F., Valiente M., de la Prida L.M., Ciraci C., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Toward Plasmonic Neural Probes: SERS Detection of Neurotransmitters through Gold-Nanoislands-Decorated Tapered Optical Fibers with Sub-10 nm Gaps
Advanced Materials, vol. 35, (no. 11)