IIT Publications Search

Rozlivek J., Roncone A., Pattacini U., Hoffmann M.
HARMONIOUS - Human-Like Reactive Motion Control and Multimodal Perception for Humanoid Robots
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
Dafarra S., Pattacini U., Romualdi G., Rapetti L., Grieco R., Darvish K., Milani G., Valli E., Sorrentino I., Viceconte P.M., Scalzo A., Traversaro S., Sartore C., Elobaid M., Guedelha N., Herron C., Leonessa A., Draicchio F., Metta G., Maggiali M., Pucci D.
iCub3 avatar system: Enabling remote fully immersive embodiment of humanoid robots
Science Robotics, vol. 9, (no. 86)
Fussi M., Salvi M., Gesino M., Pattacini U., Maggiali M.
Building a Digital Twin of the iCub Humanoid Robot’s Head
Report Journal
Bottarel F., Altobelli A., Pattacini U., Natale L.
GRASPA-fying the Panda: Easily Deployable, Fully Reproducible Benchmarking of Grasp Planning Algorithms
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
Vasco V., Antunes A.G.P., Tikhanoff V., Pattacini U., Natale L., Gower V., Maggiali M.
HR1 Robot: An Assistant for Healthcare Applications
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 9
Dafarra S., Darvish K., Grieco R., Milani G., Pattacini U., Rapetti L., Romualdi G., Salvi M., Scalzo A., Sorrentino I., Tomè D., Traversaro S., Valli E., Viceconte P. M., Metta G., Maggiali M., Pucci D.
iCub3 Avatar System
Piga N.A., Pattacini U., Natale L.
A Differentiable Extended Kalman Filter for Object Tracking Under Sliding Regime
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 8
Piga N.A., Bottarel F., Fantacci C., Vezzani G., Pattacini U., Natale L.
MaskUKF: An Instance Segmentation Aided Unscented Kalman Filter for 6D Object Pose and Velocity Tracking
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 8
Piga N., Onyshchuk Y., Pasquale G., Pattacini U., Natale L.
ROFT: Real-time Optical Flow-aided 6D Object Pose and Velocity Tracking
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Chevalier P., Vasco V., Willemse C., de Tommaso D., Tikhanoff V., Pattacini U., Wykowska A.
Upper limb exercise with physical and virtual robots: Visual sensitivity affects task performance
Paladyn, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 199-213
Bottarel F., Vezzani G., Pattacini U., Natale L.
GRASPA 1.0: GRASPA is a Robot Arm graSping Performance BenchmArk
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 5, (no. 2), pp. 836-843
Kim W., Lorenzini M., Balatti P., Nguyen D.H.P., Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Peternel L., Fantacci C., Natale L., Metta G., AJOUDANI A.
Adaptable workstations for human–robot collaboration: A reconfigurable framework for improving worker ergonomics and productivity
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
Nguyen P.D.H., Hoffmann M., Pattacini U., Metta G.
Reaching development through visuo-proprioceptive-tactile integration on a humanoid robot - A deep learning approach
2019 Joint IEEE 9th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, ICDL-EpiRob 2019, pp. 163-170
Vasco V., Willemse C., Chevalier P., De Tommaso D., Gower V., Gramatica F., Tikhanoff V., Pattacini U., Metta G., Wykowska A.
Train with Me: A Study Comparing a Socially Assistive Robot and a Virtual Agent for a Rehabilitation Task
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11876 LNAI, pp. 453-463
Nguyen D.H.P., Hoffmann M., Roncone A., Pattacini U., Metta G.
Compact Real-time Avoidance on a Humanoid Robot for Human-robot Interaction
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp. 416-424